If you ever get pulled over on suspicion of drunk driving in Louisiana, one of the first things an officer may do is ask to you participate in a series of field sobriety tests (FSTs). These are tests that measure your physical coordination and ability to follow...
Year: 2020
Allegations of parental alienation could affect child custody
When you and your soon-to-be ex-spouse are battling over the custody arrangements for your minor children, one of the factors that could affect a court's decision is the allegation of parental alienation. Courts have been known to award custody to the parent who is...
The marital property laws that apply in Louisiana
The financial aspect of any divorce can cause a great deal of stress, regardless of whether you have multiple homes and cars to divide between you or only furniture. Dealing with the uncertainty that comes with the process can cause you to engage in disputes with your...
What you need to know about plea bargains
A plea bargain is offered to those who have been accused of committing crimes. They are so common, in fact, that 90% of defendants accept plea bargains. They do so mainly because plea bargains mean that they do not have to go to trial. While plea bargains are...
How does the insanity defense currently apply?
All those who have been accused of a crime have the right to defend themselves before facing sentencing. Therefore, if you have been accused of a crime and you are awaiting trial, it is important that you fully understand the options available to you. Take the time to...
Staying focused on your kids can ease co-parenting strain
If you've already divorced or are in the process of doing so, you and your ex likely aren't on the best of terms. You may feel a desire to yell at them whenever you see them or otherwise try to find a way to hold them accountable and let them know how you feel about...
What does shoplifting encompass in Louisiana?
Shoplifting is a major problem for many retailers, but it is one that they might not address by chasing after the person they believe is stealing. They are concerned about the possibility of facing legal action if they chase someone who actually wasn't shoplifting....
Protecting your parenting time rights after divorce
The months and years following two parents' divorce may not be an easy transition for both the parents and the children involved. Even when parents try to respect each other's rights and boundaries, learning how to share parenting responsibilities and privileges is...
Community property may impact divorce for business owners
Couples who divorce in Louisiana must divide their marital property equally, rather than equitably, according to our community property laws. For business owners, this can cause significant concerns. When one spouse in a couple owns a business, that business may count...
These 3 tips can make your divorce a little easier
You don't want your divorce to be challenging, but despite your best efforts, it certainly is. You and your soon-to-be ex-spouse do not get along, and it's a big problem. It seems like you can't go a day without fighting, and you don't even live together any longer....