There are numerous criminal charges that Louisiana prosecutors can file against individuals because of drugs. Many people expect to face simple possession charges after an arrest. However, it is common practice for prosecutors to bring the harshest charges they can...
Criminal Defense
Drunk driving crashes have decreased in Louisiana recently
Impaired driving charges are among the most common criminal cases pursued in Louisiana. Police officers arrest people after targeted traffic stops or their involvement in collisions. Both drivers who display impaired ability and those who are clearly over the legal...
How are controlled substances classified in Louisiana?
There are numerous laws in Louisiana that concern controlled substances. Many people think immediately of prohibited drugs when discussing controlled substances. Heroin, methamphetamine and other illegal drugs are all subject to strict laws in Louisiana. Awareness...
Are field sobriety tests accurate?
When police officers notice someone who might be drunk at the wheel, they typically conduct a traffic stop. Pulling someone over allows a police officer to gather evidence and more effectively analyze the situation. An officer often begins by asking questions about...
Alarming Louisiana drug arrest statistics
Many drugs are either illegal or subject to strict medical oversight in Louisiana. Many of those rules align with federal law. Substances that the federal government prohibits are also illegal in Louisiana in most cases. People get arrested in Louisiana for drug...
How can a possession charge be escalated to ‘intent to sell?’
An arrest conducted by Louisiana police officers can lead to a host of different outcomes. Sometimes, police officers arrest someone and then identify another party as the individual at fault for a criminal incident. Other times, prosecutors may determine that there...
How can a successful expungement impact my life?
Thousands of Louisiana residents every year get arrested for criminal infractions. The vast majority of those charged with criminal offenses in Louisiana decide to plead guilty instead of taking their case to trial. Those convicted at trial and those who plead guilty...
How can a criminal charge on your record impact your daily life?
The reality is that the consequences of a criminal charge on your record can extend far beyond legal penalties. The repercussions of such an event can echo throughout various aspects of your life, affecting everything from your career prospects to your personal...
How can being a repeat offender impact a criminal defense case?
For some people, getting arrested is a powerful wake-up call. They recognize that they need to make some changes to their lifestyles if they want to benefit from a bright future. Prosecution can prompt some people to seek substance abuse treatment, enter counseling to...
What factors can influence the escalation of a criminal charge?
The specific criminal charges that someone accused of a statutory violation in Louisiana might face depend on multiple variables. Prosecutors will base the charges they pursue on what they believe they can prove in court. The discretion of public officials doesn't end...