Aggressive Representation

When is Criminal Activity the Highest in Louisiana?

On Behalf of | Sep 20, 2023 | Criminal Defense |

The safety and security of a community are fundamental concerns for both residents and policymakers. Understanding the trends in criminal activity can shed light on when and where these concerns may be most pressing. We will explore the rates of violent crime offenses in Louisiana and critical cities within the state to gain insights into when criminal activity reaches its peak.

Rates of Violent Crime Offenses by Population

To assess the patterns of violent crime in Louisiana compared to the US, we’ll start by examining the rate of violent crime offenses per 100,000 people by year. Between 2011 and 2019, crime rates remained around the same level, but in 2020 the rates increased considerably:

– 2019: Louisiana: 559.7 | US: 380.8
– 2020: Louisiana: 639.4 | US: 398.5

The data reveals that, generally, the rate of violent crime offenses in Louisiana has been consistently higher than the national average over the past decade. Notably, 2020 witnessed a significant spike in violent crime in the state.

Offenses Known to Law Enforcement

To delve further into the specifics, let’s look at the number of offenses known to law enforcement in some of Louisiana’s major cities in 2018:

–       New Orleans (with a population of 396,374):

  • Violent crime: 4,611
  • Murder and nonnegligent manslaughter: 147
  • Robbery: 1,219
  • Aggravated assault: 2,564
  • Property crime: 18,063

–       Shreveport (with a population of 190,808):

  • Violent crime: 1,588
  • Murder and nonnegligent manslaughter: 49
  • Robbery: 335
  • Aggravated assault: 1,081
  • Property crime: 9,884

These statistics provide a glimpse into the variations in criminal activity across different cities within the state.

The data shows that Louisiana has experienced fluctuations in violent crime rates over the years, with 2020 standing out as a year of heightened criminal activity. Understanding these trends is crucial for you as a citizen and for policymakers, law enforcement, and communities to address and respond effectively to safety and security issues.