Divorce cases are some of the most stressful ones in family law. If your spouse wants to move on with their life by filing for divorce in Louisiana, you may be wondering what to do. Here are some tips on how to handle the situation without taking drastic measures. Try...
Myths about divorcing with children
Divorce is common in Louisiana. If you haven't been through one yourself, you certainly know a family who has been through the process. Despite how ordinary divorces are, there are some persistent myths about the process, particularly about how it can affect children....
Some things that can trigger a divorce in Louisiana
No one marries with the intention of getting divorced. However, a relationship might get to a point where the only sensible solution for you is a way out. Here are some of the common triggers of divorce in Louisiana. Extramarital affairs Nothing hurts like your...
Divorce myths that can be harmful to you and your child
Divorce can have a significant effect on Louisiana children. Often, when married couples end their marriage, the kids often aren’t involved, and their needs aren’t always considered. In fact, the needs of the children are secondary in spite of having to deal with...
Dividing a time share property in a divorce
If you are getting a divorce, one of the things you will need to do is figure out how to divide your property. Louisiana is a community property state, meaning that you are supposed to divide all assets equally. However, this only means that you are supposed to end up...
What to know about the various types of custody
The state of Louisiana generally recognizes that both parents should play an active role in their children's lives. Therefore, there is a good chance that you'll be granted custody of your children after ending your relationship with their other parent. In some cases,...
Creating a parenting schedule
Going through a divorce is mentally and emotionally taxing even without the added pressure of trying to navigate a child custody plan. Not only are you preparing to enter a new chapter of your life as a single person living on one income, but if children are involved,...
How does a court determine a child’s best interests?
Focusing on the child's welfare is paramount in any Louisiana child custody case. A child's emotional and mental well-being, happiness and safety are the key factors courts consider in custody decisions. Knowing what components go into child custody determinations can...